Week 5 DLS exercises: metering madness!

You need to find 4 items for this exercise. You need one white and one black backdrop, and one white and one black object. The backdrops and objects should all have different textures. For example your 4 items might be: an egg, a shiny black button, a piece of black fun fur, and a white piece of paper or; a white feather, a black computer cable, a piece of shiny white fabric, and a piece of black cotton (bedsheet or shirt will be fine!)

Set up beside a light source (window or other) and remember how your light is going to behave (it's predictable, remember?) With your camera set to Av or A, you will need to make some creative choices about how to accomplish the 4 pictures below.
Light object on dark background
Dark object on light background
Light object on light background
Dark object on dark background

The challenging part is taking a picture that you like AND being able to explain in pseudo techno photography garbledy-gook jargon how and what you metered for, and why you like the image you post over any that didn't make the cut.

If you're feeling chatty, include a brief description of any challenges you encountered, and how you chose to solve them (did you have to employ ae+/- to get your image? Did you need to relocate? Did you change what angle you were shooting from?) and one or two sentences about the lighting (you liked the details in the black and didn't care about the white being blown out, you learned to love the blur, you think the grain adds texture, you decided to shoot from further away and straight on instead of the side because you wanted to preserve details in the light and shadow instead of having high contrast...)

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!



Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.