spreadLOVE: and they were singin'

Today's heart picture is from a dear friend of mine named Lynda. We befriended one another under the strangest circumstances, and to this day share a very special bond. Today, we discovered we have a new thing to bond over: hearts. She collects them, too, and sent me the one pictured below for Christmas, which now adorns the wall beside the door at the cabin. It's the last thing I see each night when I turn out the light while we're there. Lynda also provided the $31st dollar via this picture in the Heart Month Gallery.

February 3rd, 1959: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper in a plane along with pilot Roger Peterson. Don McLean wrote the song American Pie about February 3rd, the day the music died.

You may have noticed I post a lot of youTUBE music videos on the blog. With a father who was a musician, I learned to love music like oxygen. My best friend Tannis and I have always shared the music that makes up the soundtracks of our lives as they unfold. Sometimes I love a song because the lyrics are powerful, others because the tune is catchy, and others because the song just gives me goosebumps. My iPod scares people. I have everything from Madonna and Nine Inch Nails to Dead Milkmen and Bjork, to Lena Horne and Eartha Kitt, some Ritchie Valens, quite a bit of Yo Yo Ma, a little Beastie Boys, all rounded out with some Michael Buble, Barbra Streisand, Vicious Pink, and Liona Boyd. To name a few.

What are some songs that YOU love?


fmartell2 said…
Right now I am re-loving Cat Stevens. Frank started playing peace train on his guitar a few weeks ago, so I had to go and buy a CD. It's been the only thing I have listened to for a few weeks.
Hope Walls said…
I have sung Moonshadow to all 3 of the kids. The preferred bedtime song Chez Hope. I can't listen to Father & Son without being covered in goosebumps!
fmartell2 said…
My CD collection in my Truck is quite Random as well. I have Cat Stevens, James Blunt, Captain Tractor, Across The Universe Soundtrack(Beatles), Tom Russel, and Led Zepplin.


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.