noLOVE: kicking Facebook to the curb

A small flurry of concerned emails have reached me.  I assume many more won't.  Yes, I did the unthinkable and shut my Facebook account.  Think of it as self-censorship - I was about to Twitter a status update that was offensive, rude, and cruel, and although it was a statement of fact, it was meant to hurt and intimidate someone who quite frankly isn't worth my time.  

I think I'll just write one of those letters that don't ever get sent - you know, the ones that you vent and tell the other person horrible things like their hair looks funny and they're narrow-minded and money-grubbing or that they are so stupid they'd sell their car for gas money.  Where you lay down all the anger and frustration you're harbouring inside - past hurts and new ones alike - and say the unthinkable like... you wish they'd get a big pimple on their nose or get hit by a bus (which is always bad for me to say since my Mom is a busdriver...)  A long juicy letter in which you find ways to rip open past wounds or create new ones so you can keep pouring salt in them.  

In my case, I always want to make clever insults.  Good thing is, the people they're directed at usually don't pick up on it.  Problem is, the people they're directed at usually don't pick up on it.  Definitely a conundrum.  Saying things like, "Wherever you go, there you are," doesn't have the same impact on my chosen victim as would saying, "If I were you I'd probably commit suicide."  My last harsh insult, "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched because sometimes all you have are goose eggs," didn't make the intended recipient keel over in shame, cease and desist, or even hiccup.  Being magnanimous has its price - no one ever thinks you could possibly be mad, not for real, anyways... 

When I do write the occasional letter I get downright mean.  I'm sure it's not healthy.  I'm positive it isn't.  I cuss and swear a lot.  I make threats about peeing on car door locks in winter, tell you your boobs are droopy and your ass looks square in those jeans, complain about your nasally voice when you since along with the radio, and feel like I'm being generous when I accuse you of having the IQ of a potato.  I may throw out my conspiracy theories about you not really being innocent and throw in something about the fact your mother abandoned you should come as no surprise.  Lord help a woman in a state of real crisis with the bad luck to get struck down by PMS and it's anybody's guess just how far that name-calling, mudslinging, caterwauling, death-threatening letter is going to make it.  Rest assured, if you're one of my friends, you'll probably never know anything's wrong, especially now that I'm not on Facebook putting up esoteric status updates like, "Doesn't matter which side of the fence hop to, the grass is always greener on mine."

This is part of why I love my blog.  It's my own place to talk about my own stuff, without wondering if it's going to have the desired impact or mean anything or be completely unnoticed.  Blogs are more personal, and take some effort to comment on - you at least have to wait for approval or sign in or something, and type actual words, unlike the people like me who are overly anxious to click on that little thumbs-up icon or make a comment on every person's photo and status update so that we aren't... don't... ummm... what?  Going to make someone's day but putting a thumbs-up under the picture they took of their new car?  Damn, I miss emails.

So after pulling the chute on the FB account we went for a picnic with our dog last night instead.  Two great discoveries, one day:  I learned how much easier it is to bite my tongue when I don't feel arbitrarily pressured to censor myself, and Art, well - he's definitely a water dog.  


Lindsay said…
OMG! Too funny I just went to message you and went what the heck?? LOL. I just wanted to say Good for you Hope, I need to find it in me to do the same, cause you are so right about it all!
fmartell2 said…
And where would the pictures of your water dog be??? I want to give them a thumbs up!

17 more days and I can give you a big hug!!
Hope Walls said…
Thanks, Lindsay - I'm feeling pretty good about it already. Now to find a more productive way to spend all that time I had been wasting. Oh, wait - right - I'm working on a legal battle, and that seems be enough of a time hog... um... maybe I'll take up air guitar and lip-syncing to old-school Britney Spears.

Billie - I'm looking forward to it. A lot. Bring on the craziness. Bring on real people. Huzzah!
Laura Jane said…
Even in dark times you write so beautifully. And, you made me almost pee my pants laughing. You are wonder woman.

Good for you, but I can't help say I will still miss ya on the ol' FB.

Our snail mailing is working okay so far. ;)
I was so pissed to hear today that Facebook is again changing their policy and will in the future make everyone's profiles public.

I know you are always "here" on your blog, and that makes me smile. I will miss your status updates though. They always made me smile.

I'm happy to smile as I read your blog, and better yet hope to smile at you in person one of these days :)
Jordan said…
It's interesting, I recently had a huge conflict with some facebook friends. It was mostly internally driven and I DID write the letter and I even de-friended them. So silly of me. Think they cared? Nah.... it was like oh wow, Jordan's sure a spazz! Yes yes yes, facebook is dark and evil... most days I'd like to cut it out of my life too. Really let's list a benefit below that you couldn't achieve either by phone, email, letter, or google-stalking :) haha!

Anyway, I noticed I had one less friend... and I read here it is you. But I will continue to read your blog, always!
Tonikka said…
im so glad i get your blog updates... i just went thru the same thing with facebook... i think its such a relief to not have to keep up with everyone... however when i deleted my account i had tons of people emailing me accusing me of deleting or blocking them... argh

as for you writing those letters... you should see my draft
Carol Kerfoot said…
I stalk and I miss you
kate said…
I sometimes wonder what I'm missing by not joining facebook... now I know it's not much. good to know. lol
There are definitely days where i think of doing the same thing, and one day maybe I'll have the moxie to go through with it. I know I'd have way more time to spend with my kids and be way less concerned about how x person from highschool might interpret my mood based on my status. Because unlike the eloquence that is Hope, I have no censorship capability, lol.

I just need to get all my photos first.
Hope Walls said…
It was actually way easier than I thought it would be. Anyone who really wants to find me, can google "Hope Walls" and I come up all over the place. Email me - I like that much better. Or comment on the blog - that's always been a fave, for sure!
kerjay said…
I was wondering where your status updates went to, so I turned to your blog and here you are! :D
I am not sure if I can block myself from there entirely, but I am trying to limit my login time.


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.