myLOVE: a meme about husbands called "Love Notes"

What are your middle names? Angela and Charles
How long have you been together? 7 years
How long did you know each other before you started dating? 15 years
Who asked who out? it was mutual
Whose siblings do/did you see the most? his
Do you have any children together? 1 is ours, 1 is his, 2 are mine, for a total of 4
What about pets? Jerry the beta and Art the dog
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? time
Did you go to the same school? yes, but not at the same time
Are you from the same home town? yes
Who is the smartest? the dog
Who is the most sensitive? we're both sensitive, and both horrible at dealing with it
Where do you eat out most as a couple? HAHAHAHA (see above where it says 4 kids...)
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Republica Dominicana
Who has the worst temper? me
Who does the cooking? we both do
Who is more social? he is - I'm a hermit at heart
Who is the neat Freak? neither of us
Who is the more stubborn? both of us
Who hogs the bed? the kids
Who wakes up earlier? he does
Where was your first date? his truck
Who has the bigger family? me
Do you get flowers often? no, but I guess this would only be relevant if I actually cared about getting flowers often
How do you spend the holidays? holed up in the house with lots of chocolate and coffee
Who is more jealous? both of us, though we'd never admit it to each other
How long did it take to get serious? uh... 16 years...
Who does/did the laundry? we both do, but mostly him since I started classes
Who's better with the computer? me
Who drives when you are together? me - I can get car sick driving, let alone being a passenger



Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.