
Mein Seetor. I (heart) her. She writes:

Hey Chica :)

First - Holy moly - I think *I* might burst with pride - and I'm just Kaelan's aunt! That is so wonderful :) Please tell him I'm proud of him when opportunity arises. I'll be sure to tell him myself when I see him, too, but just so he knows I saw his pictures and I think they're great.

Second - good luck with your Vampire issues. Sometimes it's useful for me to read about these sorts of things and remind myself to be mindful about slipping into such behaviours. I'd like to think I don't engage in these behaviours - at least not frequently. But, also, to be sensitive to when I might be so that I can stop and think through what's actually underpinning the behaviour. So many counter-productive behaviours and attitudes are symptoms of other things.

Finally - I wanted to tell you I completely empathize with your sentiments about finding places that really touch you. Lots of places are fun/beautiful/interesting... most don't grab you by the heart and imagination and proceed to shake you awake. Not everyone goes to a rich-white-honky tourist trap like the DR and sees things to be as complex as you did. I hope you have many more opportunities to head back to the DR. Maybe next semester you can take a Spanish class??

Love you muchly,


Hope Walls said…
Kaelan and I spent the day listening to our Learn to Speak Spanish CD. We learned how to tell someone our work is boring and that we have a nice house. Oh, and to get out of our plane seats, "Quattro A y quattro B..." Serejane and Mads know some Spanish now, too. Inspired by my friend Christie and her bizarre sense of humour, their first Spanish phrase is: "Yo quiero frito gato." If they ever land at a Chinese restaurant in a Spanish speaking country, they won't go hungry.


Yer Mittle Seestor.
Sounds like your sister has wisdom to live by !


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.