catching up: C & A

While I was in the throes of getting ready to present to the Dominican bride and groom, I *did* actually finish up a whole thwack of sessions I shot before even leaving the country, and even a couple from right after I got back!

I'd be remiss if I didn't plug the fact one of the prime bonuses of going to take pictures of Sherry (mastermind of the designer delectables at Sweet Temptations) and her handsome boys is the fact you get to be a guinea pig for cookies under construction... the one Mr. A is eating, the newest addition to the cookie cornucopia, is called "Berried Treasure." Pics of her latest creation of moist, chewy oatmeal cookies stuffed with cherry and blueberry and wildberry and apple pie filling should be up on the new website soon!

But of course, I wasn't there (just) for the cookies. Look at these two? How could I not want to visit? Free cookies AND cute boys?

Little Mr. C was pretty funny while doing the nekkid shots - he may have a career ahead of him doing boudoir. Watch out, ladies..

Of course, I LOVE babies in vintage suitcases even more than babies in beertubs or baskets...

And Sherry? Explain this one to me. She didn't really want to get family pictures done but I said, no, we have to do at least one - you'll regret it if you don't. (A timely statement - she thanked me for it after this post.) Anyhow, Sherry was hesistant about headshots (which I got), and hubby was hesitant about foot shots (which I also got), but I had no trouble convincing them I should take a picture of their asses. Go figure. This may well be my new signature shot. I'm going to call it the "Seymore Butz."


shutterbug said…
I LOVE those rolls!!!!
Hope! You get to photograph the most adorable kids! The butt shot is hilarious! Definitely a keeper.


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.