plum tuckered out

Tasha of Fresh! had her beautiful baby girl Miss M last week.  I'm going to go camera hog the baby more next week, but in the meantime, she was sleeping so peacefully I couldn't resist...

Meanwhile, K had gotten all dressed up in his #4 jersey only to have his game rained out by our CRAZY early-evening thunder storm.

Miss H got her homework done...

...and Miss E was working on making some stinkiness...

Serejane had stayed at home with Wil; they got caught in the rain and had to run back from the park.  Guess it was more than Jane could handle - she passed out like this on the couch without eating her second cookie.

Now THAT's plum tuckered out!


Nicholas does that too; falls asleep in wierd positions. Kids won't admit that they are EXHAUSTED and they'll just pass right out.

Gotta love that in the munchkins. LOL

I love how you take the ordinary and make it such a magical photo.


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.