
I was tagged by Jillian.

The meme topic is to share six unimportant things about myself and then to tag six other people to do the same thing. Here are the rules:

1. Link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your entry

1.) My fingernails grow ridiculously fast.
2.) I'd dye my hair but I'm allergic to the pigments in the colours I'd use, so I have no choice but to go grey gracefully.
3.) My children are all at least partially named after their grandparents.
4.) I had to get a sewing needle surgically removed from my under my kneecap when I was 11.
5.) I don't like black tea.
6.) My bike is locked up in the 'wrong' spot today because I was late and someone took mine.

Randomly selected tag-ees (for real - I actually went blog hunting on the www for these...)

http://missmarismoblog.blogspot.com/ (sweet!)
http://thedogsbreakfast.blogspot.com/ (hilarious... I think I ~was~ her mother in another life.)
http://wreckingball.org/ (it said random, but you know, nothing is ever truly random - check out the board of Lensbaby-esque art...)
http://pointless-drivel.com/?p=1555 (for those who worry, potty mouth alert and possibly questionable albeit very funny content - be warned DO NOT have a mouthful of anything when you click this link)
http://www.madnessmatrix.com/ (I've been hearing lots about HDR lately, and always worry I'll fall out of love... seek inspiration wherever you may)
http://myturnip.blogspot.com/ (would anyone seriously have a blog about turnips, I queried Google...)

If anyone else wants to do the meme, go for it.


fmartell2 said…
Out of your 6 unimportant things about you, I knew 3. I could probably name a few more for you if you liked as well!


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.