character sketch: Facebook Friends

I found this quote on a friend's wall, and simply HAD to share it.

"I can't be sure if I'm recalling the ball bouncing off the window or just able to imagine the feeling as we watch the ball fly high over the fence, over the street, fearing it will break or crack the window, and then watch it mercifully bounce and roll on to the grass. If that's a good description, then I guess I do remember it -- but I can't say its something I've recalled with any frequency during the intervening years. On the other hand, the incident where A.S. catapulted what I believe he claimed to be a dog's pancreas over the wall into the girl's changing room certainly remains as one of those indelible "this cannot be a good idea" moments."


alphonsedamoose said…
Where do you get a dog's pancreas?
ticblog said…
Moose - I don't even want to know....


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.