some stuff... and some other stuff...

Hello, all! I have an announcement, a change, and an invitation to extend to you all. Here goes:

I am pleased to announce that I will indeed be adding the photoshop demonstration. I'll let you know the date in a few days when I confirm a couple of outstanding items on my schedule when and where it will be held.

I had originally planned on doing a Spring Fling Photobooth for April's field trip. However, due to the sudden increase in the number of participants in the Portraiture and Wedding workshops on the 6th, I have changed it to be a TRASH THE DRESS session. You'll all get to try your hand at doing some glam and wedding portraiture on a real live model - how fun is THAT? This is going to be a WAY fun field trip!!! I will have to wait until closer to the date to announce the location. So - if anyone knows of someone wanting a FREE trash the dress session, send them my way. If not, I'll be hunting for an unwitting victim at will...

I am even REALLY pleased to announce that ticdesign has been offered the honour of doing the official Team Photography for this year's Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life. I am extending an open invitation to anyone wanting some field experience doing event coverage and willing to donate a couple of hours on the evening of May 24th, 2008 to come out and join us at Foote Field; please drop me a line to h dot walls at shaw dot ca and I will fill you in on the details.

I am still investigating how/when/where to have a studio lighting field trip. When I know, you'll know... and if it just isn't meant to happen, then so be it...

In the meantime, whatchoo all been up to? How was your Easter?


Rebecca McKay said…
Thanks for your dedication and hardwork, H! I really feel like I'm gaining a lot from your workshops (and all of the questions you answer for me after I leave!).
OHhhhhh...the Easter bunny brought me a lens!!!
Hope Walls said…
THE lens? THE f2.8 or THE 50mm f1.4? lol
I wish I could come take pictures with you all on May 24th, but I'm already booked to take grad/family pictures. I am excited about the Trash the Dress session! What a fabulous idea! Wish I could trash my own dress, but I was at my heaviest on my wedding day so it doesn't fit...guess that's not such a bad thing. How was your easter?
Rebecca McKay said…
The 50mm f1.4!!!!!!!!!
Mama Bear said…
Wait!!! I need to learn my new camera first!!


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.