A video clip highlighting the amazing organization Jillian Kirby introduced me to.

It's one of those calls that you hope you never get, but are glad to be on the list, just in case.


Babzy said…
What a wonderful organization. There's not much else to say except I have to go now and mop up my tears.
ticblog said…
I had to do the same, Babzy.
Lynda said…
Dammit, no sound here at work. Hopefully I can find somewhere to watch this.
alphonsedamoose said…
WOW! What a great thin to do.
That was heartwarming and heartwrenching.

I think it is a wonderful thing they are doing.
The courage of these families and the love of the photographer is really something. Thanks for sharing that Hope.


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.