I really AM Wonderwoman!

After fighting what I figured was strep throat for 2 weeks, I *finally* had 2 things happen yesterday. I got results from the swab back (they were positive for strep.) I got the call just after dinner last night. The other thing that happened yesterday was that I woke up without a sore throat... which means I managed to kick some strep butt ALL BY MYSELF. Because I'm a frickin' HERO. YEAH. Lookit me, y'all... no antibiotics, 'cuz I'm soooooooo tough...

(Bill's response was something like, well, dumbass, you would have had a sore throat for 2 days instead of 2 weeks if you would have a) went and got swabbed right away and b) filled your prescription. This, from Mr. Sissypants 'lookitme I have penicillin at the first hint of pain...")




kate said…
you ARE wonderwoman! Enjoy your weekend... strep-free!
Tanya said…
Wow that's crazy that you beat it all on your own! At least now you can enjoy your weekend.
Jillian Kirby said…
OMG! This made me laugh so hard for some reason!!

... probably because my husband has somewhat of a penicillin addiction as well, and I NEVER go to the doc either.

ticblog said…
You know, it's almost stupid to feel like a hero for beating it without meds. We've been so brainwashed into thinking we need to run to the Dr. the second we feel something coming on we rarely give ourselves a chance to fight infection ourselves. So we go get meds, and take only a day or two (until we're feeling a bit better) and can't figure out why we have superbugs or why we seem to suffer immunodeficiencies...
alphonsedamoose said…
Wonder Woman rules !!
Dani said…
Heh Heh Heh.
I like that Bill !!

You are a bonehead. :)
ticblog said…
In my own defense, Anonymous, before jumping to conclusions and making broad sweeping statements about me "bragging on a false glory":

I was extremely conscientious about (as best as I could) making sure I kept my contagious self from being contagious by carrying around disinfecting towelettes, warning everyone to stay a safe distance, washing my hands ad nauseum, and using paper towels to open and close doors, etc.

At $80 for a prescription without a confirmed swab, it didn't really make very good economic sense, either, especially since I was instructed by the Dr not to fill the prescription until confirmation anyways, by which point, of course, I had managed to kick butt. When I spoke to the Dr. it was agreed that likely I had recovered, but if I did feel any of the symptoms come back to go and fill the prescription immediately.

I am also well aware of the complications that could have arisen from strep. If you read up on it, you will see tat not all strep is accompanied by fever and fatigue and all those other things. All things considered, my sore throat was more of an irritation than anything. I gave all my clients the option to cancel or reschedule, and offered to wear a face mask along with my antibacterial rinse if they chose to keep their appt.

My husband, on the other hand, was quite ill from the start - feeling very flu-ish and feverish and tired. While he was getting swabbed, he also got our daughter swabbed as a precaution because she is prone to severe ear infections. She gets an ear infection if she stubs a toe, so we figured we'd better err on the side of caution.

I had personally tried to go to the Medicentre twice previously to get swabbed, on campus they 'weren't taking anymore patients that day' and the other time walked in and knew because of other commitments I couldn't sit and wait for my turn. Furthermore, going to the hospital would have been incredibly silly, and even with an 'emergency' appt for a sore throat, it would have taken until Monday afternoon of this week to get in anyways. Exactly one day after I managed to get swabbed. I was going to go on both Saturday and Sunday morning, but since my early clients had cancelled, I slept in instead. So Sunday night i sat for 3.5 hours and got swabbed.

MoOST IMPORTANTLY, though, the original post was very much tongue-in-cheek. Although I presume to a new reader this would seem a very cavalier post, if you're at all interested in reading backwards you will see there is a long-standing joke between my husband and I wherein he calls me a 'dumbass.'

So. I hope this clarifies things for you, Anonymous. As this is a personal blog and not a debate forum (except when the post is under the topic header "Can of Worms") if you wish to dispute something I have written, I would respectfully ask that you please ask clarifying questions instead of making statements and accusations.
ticblog said…
Oh good, Jillian - does T call you a dumbass, too? lol

Bill read this and he said, "Oh, great - now all your friends think I'm a penicillin addict..." Yes, Bill the RX junkie. You should see him when he's all hopped up on penicillin... all subdued and relaxed. No, wait, that's how he always is... never mind...
Carol Kerfoot said…
good grief I feel like a real wimp. I had some kind of throat virus that I thought might just cause me to give up the ghost.

I went to the Dr. twice begging for them to give me something for my self diagnosed strep throat....NOPE....

You are my hero WW! :))))


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.