~giggle snork~

I travelled through blogland a bit on today's morning break.

Here's a treasure I brought back for you.

When I clean up all the pee on the floor, I'll be back...


alphonsedamoose said…
Maybe George and Bill can get speaking engagements together. Bill could say he didn't have sex with that woman and gorge could say: What's sex? What Woman?
ticblog said…
geedubya is a ceaseless source of entertainment for me. Really.
Catmoves said…
tic and moose laugh at our Dubya. Don't they realize he has graduate degrees? In economics? And English? And whatever else he needs at any given moment?
Loved this post.
(P.S. They're both, I think, still internet friends of mine.)


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.