engagement session - Ashley & Sheldon

Sheldon and Ashley have been together since high school, and they're still going crazy strong. Strong enough to make it official, and mark the occasion with an engagement session at... the Alberta Hospital grounds? You guys were SO much fun to spend time with, and are positively adorable - congratulations on the pending nuptuals!


Tanya said…
What an interesting location for photo's! Looking at the photo's I can see the appeal of it. What a lovely couple, you can definitly tell they are madly in love.
ticblog said…
I didn't even put all the necking pictures up WOOT WOOT! lol
Byers Fam said…
What the!!

Do you know thats Brians nephew????
larson-ritzands said…
your pics AMAZE me! i gotta get you again soon! i'll call you.


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.