"What can you tell us about the possibility, process, and repercusions of impeaching the president? "

Babzy asks:

Whilst travelling [sic] through Blogland, USA, I've noted that many of the townsfolk want to impeach the president.

Q. What can you tell us about the possibility, process, and repercusions [sic] of impeaching the president?

Is that 3 questions? (now four)

You'll have to excuse Babzy - she's forgotten how to count. She might develop a sensitivity to it, so I'm not going to chastise her about it right now.

I'm not an American, and so I'm going try and not sound like I hate Americans. I have a lot of American friends, and my sister lives stateside, so before I say anything else let me start by saying that I don't have anything personal against the US people, but because of deeply personal experiences resulting from of some of geedubya and his puppetmatsters' actions I've developed a very strong dislike for the man and his politics, and I may get catty when discussing the insipid baboon. I also don't know the specific process for impeachment, except that it is much more complicated than a Canadian vote-of-non-confidence. You can read up on the process on Wikipedia if you're really curious.

The possibility of geedubya being impeached certainly exists, like it has with all presidents, but I don't frankly see it happening anytime soon. This is because I'm pessimistic. They impeached Clinton for playing clitoral tiddlywinks with an intern, but didn't impeach Reagan for that whole Iran-Contra thing. WTF? Usually when the president does something monumentally stupid or irresponsible, the people start screeching impeach impeach, but then after that president is out of office, whether impeached or not, the US folks all sit and reminisce about the good old days when so-and-so was in power. Look at how beloved Bill Clinton and Reagan are now, in spite of their spotty performance in office? Each bad president is the worst president ever until the next idiot comes in and shows that yes, in fact, is IS possible to get someone even worse to lead the country. Let's not forget that a few presidents (namely Nixon) who have been on the impeachment block have simply resigned from office, which is just disgraceful. If the American citizens ever get Bush on the block, I say they shouldn't give him the option of resignation. But I digress.

They should have gotten rid of that bumble-mouthed dorkwad years ago when he first started committing crimes against humanity both at home and abroad, but nope - they voted the jackass in for another term. While in office the illiterate monkey has managed to bomb the shit out of a bunch of third-world countries, pad the pockets and pave the road to eternal wealth for all of his rich oil-tycoon buddies, reject foreign aid when his southern states were struck by natural disasters (guess no one was good enough to help out or maybe it was that he figured it was only foreign spies who were interested in fishing personal belongings and lost kittycats from the detritus in New Orleans), and redefine for the American people what an acceptable level of collateral damage is.

Bush has also preyed on the insecurities of his own people and whipped them into a fight-or-flight mentality during one of the lowest points in US history, citing homeland security as an acceptable reason for sending their sons, brothers, husbands, and fathers off to die for a legacy the US's historical foreign policy brought on. Nothing like the perceived threat of losing the American way of life to revitalize patriotism. Let's be honest - 9/11 wasn't unpredictable. No, I'm not saying the US people deserved it, but it wasn't impossible to foresee, just improbable it could be pulled off. I've watched a few documentaries and listened to a few debates where it's been put forth that 9/11 was allowed to happen as an excuse for the US to wage a few wars. That would cure that improbability clause. But this isn't a post about conspiracy theories, so I'll leave that alone. Anyhow. I don't know what a better way to handle it would have been. I only know that there are more peaceful means of fixing things, and there are far better people out there to represent the true spirit and integrity of the average joe American than that silver-spoon toting marionette geedubya.

The repercussions of impeaching Bush would simply that the American people would have to pick a new muppet to run the country, so they could pine for the good old days with Bush.


Babzy said…
Lordy you are good at this. Thank you, sweatheart (sic).
Hope Walls said…
I'm on tenterhooks, waiting for some US citizen to come and chew me a new bumhole...
Babzy said…
Funny how that works. It's like you can complain about your husband or kids 'till the cows come home but God help anyone else who complains about them.
Hope Walls said…
EXACTLY, Babzy. I'm giving myself whiplash nodding at the screen right now lol...
Catmoves said…
Just a slight correction here. Bill Clinton ("They impeached Clinton for playing clitoral tiddlywinks with an intern....")
Unhappily Bill C. was not impeached. A motion was started but it was "tabled". To table a motion in either of our houses is tantamount to killing it.
I'm a Yank who thought he should have had formal proceedings lodged against him, but, alas, it never happened.
Now his political party wants to elect his wife as President?
There's got to be a funny line in that, somewhere.
Hope Walls said…
Thank you for the clarification, Catmoves. As a Canuck, the finer points of Yankee government are not my forte. My source read that he was impeached but acquitted (same same) but at least they got that far.

Frankly, impeaching Bush would be a waste of time and taxpayer money. Osama bin Laden, when and if he were ever caught, would have gained more infamy than ever amoung his supporters. He'd have been the grand-daddy of all martyrs, even giving Jesus himself a good run for his money. Best way to make small of bin Laden is/would be/would have been to simply take him out to the middle of the ocean, burn his remains, and dump him overboard, with not an ounce of publicity or fanfare. In that same token, I would love nothing more than to see bush run for office again and be slaughtered in the election, preferably by some long-haired hippy chick environmentalist with a PhD in sociology who would feeds her free-range cat certified organic kibble and believes that peace talks are an attempt at resolution not a prelude to war. Bush would simply fade away, relegated to take his place in line behind more important public figures like Britney Speers and the cat in the litter ad with his paw over his mouth.


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.