by popular demand

Tentative dates are November 3rd and November 4th, 2007.


Tanya said…
Yippee!! Hypothetically one of those dates will work for us. But well whatever weekend it ends up being we will arrangements for the starlet to be with us. :)
Tanya said…
Yippee!! Hypothetically one of those dates will work for us. But well whatever weekend it ends up being we will arrangements for the starlet to be with us. :)
ticblog said…
OK Tanya! lol (I think today blogspot wants to be Jacob Two-Two...)
ticblog said…
OK Tanya! lol (I think today blogspot wants to be Jacob Two-Two...)
ticblog said…
OK - this is getting really weird lol
Tanya said…
Very very strange indeed...
Byers Fam said…

Hoping Hoping Hoping...Brian is home!!!! I will bring the whole block with me!
fmartell2 said…
I am having my fingers crossed that one of the family pics on the rock wall be what I am wanting for our Christmas card! If not, I might have to make it down that way
ticblog said…
Missus Martellus - Your pictures are next in the queue for processing - they should be up by the end of the weekend!
Babzy said…
What in the georgebush are you people talking about?

What in the georgebush are you people talking about?
fmartell2 said…
No rush!! I still have till the first weekend in November to
alphonsedamoose said…
I have exactly the same question as Babzy
ticblog said…
My photobooth sessions are one-day deals where everyone cycles through for a quick family picture. At Christmas, I do cheesy Christmas card ones.

And the other day, blogger was double posting some of my comments for no apparent reason. It was really bizarre.

Does that clear things up for you at all?

Does that clear things up for you at all?
alphonsedamoose said…
Clear as a bell for me. Babzy-ah, who knows? LOL
larson-ritzands said…
pick me pick me!! i'm in there like a dirty shirt!


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.