3-2-1 - it's your birthday!

Wikipedia your birth date.

List 3 events, 2 birthdays, and 1 holiday that occur on your birthday.

December 21

Like it? Go do your own! TAG!!!


ticblog said…
26 May

1293 - Earthquake strikes Kamakura, Japan, kills 30,000.

1647 - Alse Young becomes the first person executed as a witch in the American colonies, when she is hanged in Hartford, Connecticut.

1828 - Mysterious feral child Kaspar Hauser is discovered wandering the streets of Nuremberg.


1948 - Stevie Nicks, American songwriter

1964 - Lenny Kravitz, American musician


Australia - National Sorry Day. National Sorry Day was instituted, to acknowledge the wrong that had been done to indigenous families and so that the healing process could begin.
Laura said…

1881 - World's first international telephone call takes place between St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada, and Calais, Maine, United States.

1963 - The Beatles release She Loves You as a single in the United Kingdom.

2002 - The International Criminal Court is established to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.


1961 - Diana, Princess of Wales (d. 1997)

1967 - Pamela Anderson, Canadian model


Canada Day (formerly Dominion Day) - national holiday of Canada.
Babzy said…
Why do you have two birthdays?


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