
I never leave my back-up hard drive in the computer if I'm going to be gone for more than a couple of days lest someone break into my house and get the computer and all of my client albums or we have a fire or whatever. I actually took the hard drive out a couple of days before we left, before there was so much furniture stacked in front of the desk I couldn't access it. After being unplugged for close to a month, I am finally plugged in again.

Gotta love technology, though. There are emails that for some reason my laptop filtered and didn't receive (sorry guys who thought I was dead) and so after answering several frantic-sounding emails wondering what had happened to me or if I was mad at them for something (side note: I ~do~ have a PHONE people) I can begin uploading all the pictures from our trip to share. I also have to start shopping around for some sort of photo hosting place so I can re-upload all my client albums since stupid Yahoo isn't offering free photo hosting anymore. Mostly I'm kicking myself right now, since someone told me today that many hosting services are offering a sharing interface that would have actually TRANSFERRED all the albums, thereby saving me days and days of work figuring out how to upload all 140 or so albums I deleted when I closed down my account. ~shakes fist and curses!~ I've kind of been comparing a few places, but haven't yet found one that really suits my needs and is reasonably priced. I'm leaning towards Picasa but Flickr seems to be the popular choice. Given my druthers, I'd figure out a way to just host the pictures from my own computer ands screw bandwidths and maximum upload sizes but have NO idea how to do that. Any recommendations on hosting services, reviews on the good the bad and the ugly, or other suggestions?


alphonsedamoose said…
I like Picasa.Easy to use.
fmartell2 said…
I don't have the massive amount of pictures that you do, so photobucket works fine for me.
Sorry I am of no help on this one.
Tasha said…
FYI - i click your link to your client albums and i still see them all.....
ticblog said…
Woohoo! I'll enjoy it while it lasts then... lol
ticblog said…
I bought a year's worth of extra storage with Picasa. I can always change my mind later, right?

It'll still be months before I actually get the albums transferred over. I may have to rethink the the whole thing, maybe just do a 'best of' album and start fresh...

Decisions, decisions.


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.