oooh, sparklies!

OK - so I admit, I'm no better than a magpie. At the end of the day, given the choice to admire a new pair of designer jeans or a piece of tin foil, I'm probably going to pick the tin foil. Reason? It's sparkly!

(The cymbals onstage with Adam Gregory were even sparkly~)

I've been playing a lot lately with night photography, something I have always been interested in but couldn't really afford to "play" with all that much on a film platform.

As much as I was reluctant to go digital, it has had its benefits, namely that I am a lot less stingy with how experimental I am since it effectively costs me nothing to 'play' with the Pentax.

I brought me fifth appendage with me tonight to the fireworks.

The biggest problem was deciding if I wanted to watch the joy on my sister's face and the fireworks more, or spend the time with my face stuck to the camera's viewfinder.

My sister and the sparkles won, hence, the half-assed pictures of the fireworks. However, the experience was fun, and I did get a few good shots.

Even if they are a bit out of focus.

Mmmmm... sparklies....



Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.