pet peeve #1

Anyone who knows me, knows this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, and has probably been subjected to countless rants on the subject of improper usage of the apostrophe.

Thanks to Pirateyme for finding me this little gem...

To clarify: apostophes ARE for contractions - words with letters dropped - like "isn't, won't, shouldn't, rockin', 'tis" and possessives - things belonging to someone or something - like "the state's laws, the dog's toy" and have NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with pluralization (the United States, toys for dogs) or words that just happen to have an 's' at the end, like "knows." It's a horrible state when teachers are unable to properly instruct YOUR children how to use this little tick mark - I've gotten newsletters back with incorrect usage of the apostrophe and it seriously makes my blood boil. It's your children's future.

Grown-ups? Proof read your stuff. I'd say go back to elementary school, but maybe a trip to the library for a book is a better idea. An OLD book. Learn how to punctuate. And while you're at it, learn the difference between they're, their, and there, and your and you're. ARGH!



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